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Zoological museum
Museum zoologi
zoological museum

ikan Near the botanical gardens' main entrance, this museum has a motley but interesting collection of zoological oddities, including the skeleton of a blue whale and a stuffed Javan rhinoceros. If you ever heard about the island of Flores having a rat problem, one glance at the stuffed Flores version in the showcase of Indonesian rats will explain why. Admission to the museum is Rp.1000 and it's open from 8 AM to 4 PM daily.
Dekat pintu masuk utama ke kebun raya, terdapat museum yang memiliki koleksi binatang-binatang yang sudah diawetkan, termasuk di antaranya kerangka ikan paus biru dan badak Jawa. Karcis masuk Rp.1000 dan museum dibuka setiap hari dari jam 8 pagi s/d 4 sore. kepiting kupu

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